October 2017 Board Meeting Minutes


Call to Order: 4:03pm

Attending Board Members: President Lester Cooper, President Elect Ty Witt, Vice President Kelly Allen, Treasurer Sandy Calicoat and Secretary Tiffany Gering.  Directors: Kirk McGovern, Kate Tomlinson and Phil Moller. Club members: Guy Evans, Lyle Mettler, Karen Pembroke, Terry Johnson and Mary Watson. Absent: Rick Nedrow and Terry Johnson.

Approval of Board Minutes – Kirk made the motion to approve the September minutes, Ty seconded the motion.

Financial Report – Sandy Calicoat – Nothing has been spent since last month but additional money has been deposited. Lyle requested a check for the Senior Living Initiative (TLC) to go to Chelan Valley Hope. Phil made the motion to write a check for TLC, Ty seconded the motion. Discussion: A donor was asking about a class specific for water and sanitation, a class has been set up

New Business

  1. Grant Requests
    1. None
  2. 2018 Shelter Box – We have allocated $1,000 to buy a Shelterbox which we do every year. It requires the board’s approval. Tiffany moves to continue with the $1,000 commitment to buy a Shelterbox, Phil seconded the motion.
  3. 501c3 usage by Roots independent school – Guy reported that paperwork for their own 501c3 is in progress but it could take up to a year to receive that status. They are looking to use our 501c3 status temporarily so they can apply for grants. Kelly made the motion to approve Roots use of our 501c3, Kate seconded the motion. Discussion: Accounting costs should be applicable to the school if there are any. Under IRS rules, they can accept donations because they have applied for 501c3 status even though they don’t yet have approval. A class will be created for Roots.
  4. 501c3 usage for Chelan Swim – It was mentioned that this is not an organization that will ever establish a 501c3 on their own because it’s a two-person show. They have been denied funds in the past. Setup isn’t the hard part; it’s administration of the fund. They could benefit from donations. Do we want this to be our role? Ongoing for years to come. Typically a fee, like 3% or 6% stays with the organization managing the funding. Ty makes motion to allow Chelan Swim to use our 501c3 with a one-time 3% fee on any monies donated, Sandy seconded the motion.
  5. New Fund Class for Chelan Chase – Next year it will become a Rotary event, no longer a Soroptomist event. Kirk made the motion to create a new class, Lyle seconded the motion.

Other Business – Good of the Order – Lyle asked how many people we want to support for TLC project at $700 per person per year. This money covers administrative costs. Phil made the motion to commit $200 every month to TLC, Sandy seconded the motion. Money will be moved from General funds to the TLC fund.

The request was made to have the names of all the Board members on top of the agendas.

Adjournment – 4:39pm – Ty made the motion to adjourn, Sandy seconded the motion.

Next meeting: November 9, 2017 at 4pm

Sage Board Room, Lake Chelan Chamber of Commerce

Lake Chelan Rotary Board Meeting

Minutes – October 12, 2017 at 4pm



Call to Order: 4:03pm

Attending Board Members: President Lester Cooper, President Elect Ty Witt, Vice President Kelly Allen, Treasurer Sandy Calicoat and Secretary Tiffany Gering.  Directors: Kirk McGovern, Kate Tomlinson and Phil Moller. Club members: Guy Evans, Lyle Mettler, Karen Pembroke, Terry Johnson and Mary Watson. Absent: Rick Nedrow and Terry Johnson.

Old Business

  1. 100 Year Anniversary Project – Cooper/Jones
    1. 2018-19 District Grant window is Open – The open is 10/1/17 closing 2/1/18. Lester will talk with Russ to make sure he is proceeding, as we don’t want to lose the opportunity to apply for “something,” if not the planet walk then we will look for something else.
  2. International Peace Conference – Feb 2018, Vancouver BC
    1. Lester is going and possibly Randy Brooks.
  3. Youth Exchange – Inbound – Mandi Dawson: There was discussion regarding getting Frame more involved in Rotary and the community.

New Business

  1. Membership Proposals: Phil made the motion to approve the following members, Kirk seconded the motion.
    1. Hailey Allen
    2. Andrea Clark
    3. Skip Moorhouse
  2. Chelan Pump Track Support – Kelly Allen – This should be presented to council on 10/19 to see if it is moving forward, if so it would become part of the budget and we would move forward with Rotary allocating $1,500 towards the design.
  3. Pengrey Park Adoption – Ty Witt – There was discussion on what that may look like. He is thinking clean up would take 3 Saturdays, twice yearly. We need city endorsement before we move forward. Kirk made the motion to move forward, Sandy seconded the motion.
  4. Membership Tiers – Kelly Allen – There was discussion on different types, more discussion is needed.
  5. Rotary Partnerships – Habitat – Diane Leigh to investigate
  6. IRIS Sponsorship – Wendy Isenhart is in charge and we are to get more information

Committee Reports

  1. International Service – Kisiriri Project – Lester Cooper – We are trying to get a global grant to help improve school building (i.e., flooring, toilets, etc.). There are two buildings available to renovate. Our club needs to raise a minimum of $10,000 to go to the district to ask for match and we can then move forward with a global grant request.
  2. Scholarships – Mary Watson: The following Rotarians are on the scholarship committee: Kirk, Lyle, Mary, Karen Feek, John Ausnes and Servando. Mary presented a summary (attached) of their ideas and she intends to present this information at the next club assembly meeting.

Next meeting: November 9, 2017 at 4pm

Sage Board Room, Lake Chelan Chamber of Commerce